Képek Temesvárról / Pictures from Timisoara
Múlt pénteken egy kis vonatozással jutottam le Temesvárra, ahol Gáborral februárban már játszottunk egy nagyon jó bulin (a képeket azóta sem sikerült felpakolni, de majd nemsokára..). Most pedig Vadimmal együtt a TMBase Workshopon vettünk részt. Ezen az oldalon egy csomó képet találtok a workshopról és az azt követö remek buliról.

Vadim & Keyser
Last Friday I caught the train to go to Timisoara, South-West-Romania, where I already had an excellent party in February with my partner Gabor aka Shuriken
(you'll find some pictures about that party here soooon...). Now I went there with Vadim to take part on TMBase Workshop. You can find some pics about the workshop and the following great party here.
Vadim & Keyser
Last Friday I caught the train to go to Timisoara, South-West-Romania, where I already had an excellent party in February with my partner Gabor aka Shuriken
(you'll find some pictures about that party here soooon...). Now I went there with Vadim to take part on TMBase Workshop. You can find some pics about the workshop and the following great party here.