DJ Vadim's Budapest Sessions
DJ Vadim ezt írta a site-jára az elmúlt hétvégéről / DJ Vadim wrote this on his site about his last weekend in Budapest:
"For those who dont know. Budapest in Hungary rocks the spot. I just recorded 2 spanking traxs with locals Busa, Sena and Kemon. Crate Soul Brothers at the helm. Look out for Sena tho, she is a female mc/singer, toaster of the highest calibre hailing from Ghana. Nice vibes up in the place."

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"For those who dont know. Budapest in Hungary rocks the spot. I just recorded 2 spanking traxs with locals Busa, Sena and Kemon. Crate Soul Brothers at the helm. Look out for Sena tho, she is a female mc/singer, toaster of the highest calibre hailing from Ghana. Nice vibes up in the place."
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